September 26, 2010

We've taken the plunge!

Scott and I have been dreaming about building our own house for a very long time.  There was never really a perfect time so we just took the plunge.  So within a span of three months, we bought a dump, sold our house and moved into a rental.  We are settling nicely into our little 2 bedroom 1.5 story house.  It's a small house but we love the area.  We love the fact that we can walk everywhere.  The first few times when we pushed Cameron out, he kept on pointing to other people on the street and shouted "people, people".  LOL!!   Gee, we were not that far out in the boonies when we were in Markham!


  Kaiden's first day of SK at McKee P.S.

Kaiden loves his new school and teachers.  I love dropping him off and picking him up.  (Gonna miss this when I go back to work. )  I couldn't help myself but have asked the teachers a few times about how Kaiden is doing.  EEEKKK!  I'm becoming that parent!  Now I know how it feels to be on the other side of the fence. 

The biggest adjustment from the move has been the washrooom situation.  We went from 3.5 baths down to one and a half.  In the mornings when we're on top of each other trying to brush our teeth in front of one sink and getting frustrated, Scott would make light of the situation and say that's the way New Yorkers live.  Let me remind you, the NY in our address stands for North York and not New York!  :)